Online Consultation

Online Consultation

Zoom consultations We offer live Zoom consultations before your first acupuncture treatment and for clients requiring Chinese herbal treatment. Your practitioner may contact you before your first acupuncture treatment, gathering pertinent details to enable a diagnosis...
Acupuncture for Treating Teenage Anxiety

Acupuncture for Treating Teenage Anxiety

Adolescence can be a challenging time – acupuncture can help teenagers through this, including with depression and anxiety. Acupuncturist Tiffany Black explains how   In my acupuncture practice, I am privileged to hear many people’s life stories and what often...
Acupuncture for Dealing with Grief

Acupuncture for Dealing with Grief

Grief, in all its forms, can be overwhelming. Acupuncture can help you process this difficult emotion, as Tiffany Black explains   Grief is an emotion we give little airtime to in our culture, possibly because we feel we can solve most situations. This can also...