Acupuncture for Pre-birth and Labour

Pre Birth Acupuncture

Pre Birth acupuncture supports a calm, smooth, efficient labour.

Acupuncture optimises your energy, relaxes your pelvis, softens your cervix and promotes contractions. It eases anxiety or fear, by balancing and harmonising your energy.

We recommend weekly treatments from 36 weeks for optimal birth preparation. This ensures the baby is in the optimal position for a calm, efficient, smooth labour.

Other symptoms such as heartburn, high blood pressure or backache can be treated alongside your Pre Birth Acupuncture.

pre birth, labour

Acupressure for Pain Relief in Labour

Acupressure during labour gives pain relief. It stimulates efficient contractions, and reduces stress and anxiety.

We offer acupressure sessions to demonstrate and treat acupressure points. These sessions are for you, and your partner or birth partner.

You will receive information on particular points for pain relief during labour, and stimulate efficient contractions.

These points can be used before and during labour to great effect.

It is often done as part of a series of Pre Birth Acupuncture treatment.

Inducing Labour

We use acupuncture to promote labour if your baby is overdue. Acupuncture assists labour by softening the cervix, and stimulating strong regular contractions. It also strengthens your energy to assist the birth of your baby.

If a medical induction is going ahead, acupuncture makes the process smoother. Intervention is often minimal.

A Norwegian study shows women having acupuncture induction have:

  • Shorter labour
  • Less Oxytocin
  • Less instrumental deliveries

Acupuncture administered after spontaneous rupture of membranes at term significantly reduces the length of birth and use of oxytocin. A randomised trial.  LC GaudernackS ForbordE Hole – Acta Obstetricia et al 2006 – Taylor Francis

‘Feedback from midwives is that women treated with acupuncture have a more efficient labour following administrations of prostaglandin than women who haven’t had prior acupuncture’ (Debra Betts )

‘Acupuncture in pregnancy and childbirth reduces intervention rates such as epidurals, C sections, syntocinon’ (Debra Betts)

Sorry I didn’t make my appointment on Monday but I went into labour 2am the following morning I saw you!!! You are a miracle worker! Laboured at home beautifully for 18 hrs but unfortunately had to be rushed to Southmead for the final stages.
I have passed your details onto a pregnancy group I was part of. I will be in touch soon for an appointment.

Well Mother’s Day was quite eventful for us and little William arrived at 5pm, weighing 7lbs6. He is utterly divine and I’m so thrilled to finally have him here. 
Thank you so much for all your part in this journey, for which I credit you highly and you kept me sane! I can’t believe we finally got there!! I will be gobbling my herbs, chicken soup and taking nettle tea and will no doubt be back to see you soon. 

More Testimonials

I just wanted to cancel my appointment tomorrow. I actually went into labour after my appointment with Jill and gave birth to a baby boy (naturally) this afternoon.
Please pass on my thanks to Jill.
Hi Jill, just letting you know that my waters broke last night so I won’t be able to make tomorrow’s appointment. Thanks for all your help.
I just wanted to let Julie and Jill  know that I’ve had a baby. A little girl, Nina Betsy, 7 lb 12 oz. Born at home in the pool on 25 October in the morning. 
A wonderful, peaceful birth. I’m sure helped a lot by the acupuncture I had from Julie, which was brilliant. Helped me so much. My other babies were late by a week and she was 3 days early. 
So much thanks to Julie. I will definately be recommending acupuncture to pregnant mamas! 
Love Katheryn (Hypnobirthing) 
Our baby girl finally arrived 15 days after their EDD, just as the hospital started to hassle me with daily phone calls. Our daughter saw her little sister being born at home, in water. 
We’re all well and super happy. Thank you to you and Tiffany for all your help with conceiving and readying my body for birth.
The birth was about 4.5 hours long and baby weighed 7lb 7oz. We don’t yet have a name.
Jill Glover - acupuncture

Jill Glover

Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Coaching, Supervision

Helen Fielding - Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine

Helen Fielding

Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs

Julie Kelham - acupuncture

Julie Kelham


Kristy Perry - acupuncture

Kristy Perry


Kristy Perry - acupuncture

Lucy Macgregor


Kristy Perry - acupuncture

Claire Thorne


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